VU School of Business and Economics houdt een open avond

De VU School of Business and Economics houdt donderdag 18 november 2021 een online open avond over haar deeltijd opleidingen.

Wil je een volgende stap zetten in je carrière, je laten omscholen of op de hoogte blijven van de ontwikkelingen binnen jouw vakgebied? VU School of Business and Economics Executive Education biedt opleidingen in deeltijd aan op het gebied van finance, accounting & control, audit & compliance, coaching, management & leiderschap, business analytics & it.

Wie daar meer over wil weten, kan donderdag 18 november een online open avond bijwonen. Opleidingsdirecteuren, docenten en medewerkers geven die avond graag antwoord op al je vragen over de deeltijd studies die je bij de VU kunt volgen, zoals International Executive MBA’s, parttime Master en postgraduate opleidingen. Ze doen dat via een LIVE Zoom sessie. Samen met jou kijken ze hoe je je verder kunt ontwikkelen.

Er zijn drie verschillende rondes.

Tussen 18.00 en 18.45 uur komen de volgende opleidingen aan bod.

Accountancy (RA) & Parttime MSc Accounting & Control

Bestuur & Toezicht in de semipublieke sector

Certified Public Controller (CPC)

Compliance & Integriteit Management (CIM)

Deeltijd MSc Business Administration (Bedrijfskunde)

Treasury Management & Corporate Finance (RT)

Tussen 19.00 en 19.45 uur is het de beurt aan:

Actieonderzoek voor Veranderaars

Certified Management Accountant (CMA) (Engelse sessie)

Controllersopleiding (EMFC/RC)

Digital Innovation & Transformation

Executive Master of M&A and Valuation

Geographical Information Sciences (GIS)

RBA Program (Formerly known as Investment Management)

IT Audit, Compliance & Advisory (ITACA)

MBA in International Business

Deeltijd MSc Marketing

Publiek Leiderschap

Risk Management For Financial Institutions

De derde ronde vindt plaats tussen 20.00 en 20.45 uur. Aan bod komende de volgende opleidingen:

Action Research meets Design Research

Business Analytics & Data Science

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)(Nederlandse sessie)

Datagedreven sturing in de publieke sector

Executive MBA Leading with Purpose

Masterclass Digital Auditing Essentials

Next Generation CFO: Chief Value Officer

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM)

Fundamentals of Treasury Management

Hier kun je je voor een van de drie informatierondes opgeven.

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VU School of Business and Economics holds an open evening

The VU School of Business and Economics is holding an online open evening about its part-time programmes on Thursday 18 November 2021.

Do you want to take the next step in your career, be retrained or keep up to date with the developments in your field?

VU School of Business and Economics Executive Education offers part-time programmes in the field of finance, accounting & control, audit & compliance, coaching, management & leadership, business analytics & it.

Anyone who wants to know more can attend an online open evening on Thursday 18 November. Programme directors, lecturers and staff will be happy to answer your questions about all these part-time studies, such as International Executive MBAs, part-time Master’s and postgraduate programmes. They will do so via a LIVE Zoom session. Together with you, they look at how you can develop yourself further.

There are three different rounds.

Between 18.00 and 18.45 hours, the following courses will be discussed:

Accountancy (RA) & Part-time MSc Accounting & Control
Management & Supervision in the semi-public sector
Certified Public Controller (CPC)
Compliance & Integrity Management (CIM)
Part-time MSc Business Administration
Treasury Management & Corporate Finance (RT)

Between 19.00 and 19.45 hrs:

Action Research for Change
Certified Management Accountant (CMA) (English session)
Controller training (EMFC/RC)
Digital Innovation & Transformation
Executive Master of M&A and Valuation
Geographical Information Sciences (GIS)
RBA Programme (Formerly known as Investment Management)
IT Audit, Compliance & Advisory (ITACA)
MBA in International Business
Part-time MSc in Marketing
Public Leadership
Risk Management For Financial Institutions

The third round will take place between 20.00 and 20.45 hrs:

Action Research meets Design Research
Business Analytics & Data Science
Certified Management Accountant (CMA)(Dutch session)
Data-driven management in the public sector
Executive MBA Leading with Purpose
Masterclass Digital Auditing Essentials
Next Generation CFO: Chief Value Officer
Organisational Behaviour Management (OBM)
Fundamentals of Treasury Management

Here you can register for one of the three information sessions.


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